A new mandatory regulation under Indonesia Ministry of Trade (MoT) has recently released in regards to the K3L Product Registration.
Highlights of Regulation
I. The new regulation of K3L Product Registration (No. 18 year 2019) is mandatory to be implemented starting on August 14th, 2019.
II. K3L is the abbreviation of Keamanan, Keselamatan, Kesehatan dan Lingkungan Hidup. (English translation: Security, Safety, Health and Environment).
III. Importers/Local Producers shall apply for this K3L Product Registration and later receive a Letter of Registration issued by MoT, thus the related registration number shall be attached/labeled on the packaging of products.
IV. The Letter of Registration is valid for 5 (five) years.
V. As per attachment of the regulation, there are 22 Electrical & Electronics products subject for this regulation:
1) Vacuum Cleaner (SNI IEC 60335-2-2)
2) Toaster (SNI IEC 60335-2-9)
3) Rice Cooker (SNI IEC 60335-2-15)
4) Electric Kettles (SNI IEC 60335-2-15)
5) Hair Dryer (SNI IEC 60335-2-23)
6) Microwave Ovens (SNI IEC 60335-2-25)
7) Electric Shavers (SNI IEC 60335-2-8)
8) Electric Massage Appliances (SNI IEC 60335-2-32)
9) Portable Immersion Heaters/Electric Immersion Stick (SNI IEC 60335-2-74)
10) Cooking Pans and Cookers (SNI IEC 60335-2-15)
11) Electrical Portable Oven (SNI IEC 60335-2-9)
12) Blender (SNI IEC 60335-2-14)
13) Juicer (SNI IEC 60335-2-14)
14) Mixer (SNI IEC 60335-2-14)
15) Electrical Food Processor (SNI IEC 60335-2-14)
16) Water Dispenser (SNI IEC 60335-2-75)
17) Hand Dryers (SNI IEC 60335-2-23)
18) Curling Combs (SNI IEC 60335-2-23)
19) Drills and Impact Drills (SNI IEC 60745-2-1)
20) Grinders, Polishers and Disk-Type Sanders (SNI IEC 60745-2-3)
21) Planers (SNI IEC 60745-2-14)
22) Chain Saws (IEC 60745-2-13), Band Saws (IEC 60745-2-20), Circular Saws (SNI IEC 60745-2-5) and Reciprocating Saws (SNI IEC 60745-2-11)
VI. As per regulation, the above-mentioned products are subject to be tested according to SNI standards for 2 (two) parameters only:
VI.1. Products No. 1 to 18 subject for testing according to clause 13.2 (Leakage Current) and clause 8 (Protection against access to live parts).
VI.2. Products No. 19 to 22 subject for testing according to clause 13 (Leakage Current) and clause 9 (Protection against access to live parts).
VII. The issued test report of above-mentioned parameters shall state with related SNI standards and will be stand as part of requirements to receive Letter of Registration.
Note : Only Chain Saws and Band Saws are currently allowed to be tested according to IEC standards.
VIII. This regulation is valid for type/model of above-mentioned products that already placed in Indonesian market and for new type/model that will be distributed into Indonesian market.
Feel free to contact our team for further queries.